Healthcare Business Today: Congress, Bad Data, and Ghost Networks - Veda Skip to content

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Healthcare Business Today: Congress, Bad Data, and Ghost Networks

Healthcare Business Today: Congress, Bad Data, and Ghost Networks

The Senate Finance Committee has advanced legislation that aims to eradicate ghost networks, a goal that will benefit payers, providers, and patients alike.

As the legislation advances through the halls of Congress, all stakeholders must have a clear understanding of why the bill is necessary and what’s behind all those ghosts anyway.

Ghost networks are provider networks that appear robust and full of available providers but actually contain inaccurate data and, in reality, have limited availability and unreachable providers. These “ghosts” are no longer practicing, not accepting new patients, are not in-network, or have errors in their contact information.

Read Veda CEO Meghan Gaffney’s entire article in Healthcare Business Today.



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