Veda solutions

For artificial intelligence

artificial intelligence

Perfecting Provider Directory AI Modeling

Q&A with Bob Lindner on why sustainably-fed AI models are the path forward

As an AI company powered by our proprietary data training AI models, the article, “When A.I.’s Output Is a Threat to A.I. Itself,” in the New York Times caught our eye. Illustrating exactly what happens when you make a copy of a copy, the article lays out the problems that arise when AI-created inputs generate AI-created outputs and repeat…and repeat.

Veda focuses on having the right sources and the right training data to solve provider data challenges. A data processing system is only as good as the data it’s trained on; if the training data becomes stale—or, is a copy of a copy—inaccurate outputs will likely result.

We asked Veda’s Chief Science & Technology Officer, Bob Lindner, PhD, for his thoughts on AI-model training, AI inputs, and what happens if you rely too heavily on one source.

At Veda, we use what we call “sustainably-fed models.” This means we use hundreds of thousands of input sources to feed our provider directory models. However, there is one kind of source we don’t use: payer-provided directories.

Provider directories are made by health plans that are spending millions of dollars of effort to make them. By lifting that data directly into Veda’s AI learning model, we would permanently depend on ongoing spending from the payers. 

We aim to build accurate provider directories that allow the payers to stop expensive administrative efforts. A system that depends on payer-collected data isn’t useful in the long term as that data will go away.

The models will begin ingesting data that was generated by models and you will experience quality decay just like the New York Times article describes.
We use sustainably sourced inputs that won’t be contaminated or affected by the model outputs.

Veda does the work and collects first party sources that stand independently without requiring the payer directories as inputs.

Beyond the data integrity problems, if you are using payers’ directories to power directory cleaning for other payers, you are effectively lifting the hard work from payer 1 and using it to help payer 2, potentially running into data sharing agreement problems. This is another risk of cavalier machine learning applications—unauthorized use of the data powering them.

Imagine we make chocolate and we are telling Hershey that they should just sell our chocolate because it’s way better than their own. We tell them, “You could save a lot of money by not making it yourselves anymore.”

However, we make our chocolate by buying a ton of Hershey’s chocolate, remelting it with some new ingredients, and casting it into a different shape.

In the beginning, everything is fine. Hershey loves the new bar and they’re saving money because we’re doing the manufacturing. Eventually, they turn off their own production. Now, with the production turned off, we can’t make our chocolate either. The model falls apart and in the end, no one has any chocolate. A real recipe for disaster.

AI for Amateurs: Questions Answered by Veda’s AI Experts

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About AI But Were Afraid to Ask

Impossible to miss, 2023 is synonymous with the year AI debuted to the masses. AI capabilities have brought up questions in every industry, including healthcare. Your organization will likely find itself navigating the risks and rewards associated with healthcare AI in the coming year.

But, let’s start with a question you’re too afraid to ask at the company meeting: What is AI? Like, really. We’ve found a lot of false information out there and we’re here as a trustworthy source you can pull information from.

Why is Veda a Trusted Source?

As pioneers who have used AI technology since our founding, we’re passionate advocates for AI and want to ensure everyone else feels comfortable with it too.

Want our credentials? Our technology and data science team has 80 years of collective AI experience. Veda co-founder and Chief Science and Technology Officer, Bob Lindner, is the author of five technology patents on AI, entity resolution, and machine learning. Bob also has over 16 years of experience writing and publishing scientific and academic papers in the artificial intelligence field.

Backed by extensive experience and science, we’re the AI experts.

What is AI?

OFFICIAL ANSWER: Artificial intelligence Is a field of study that focuses on how machines can solve complex problems that usually involve human intelligence.

AI is not one specific tool. It is a field of study. With AI’s computing power, computers can make decisions and predictions, and take actions. An algorithm recommending which movie you should watch next is an AI action.

VEDA’S TAKE: So why does this matter? Why is AI important? By freeing up human resources, AI can reduce manual and often error-prone tasks. Freeing up people so they have the time to do the things they do best, that’s the power of AI.

What is machine learning?

OFFICIAL ANSWER: Machine learning is a sub-field of AI and focuses on algorithms that train models to make predictions on new data without being explicitly programmed. Meaning, the machine learns the way humans do, with experience.

Note: In recent years, some organizations have begun using the terms artificial intelligence and machine learning interchangeably.

Instead of learning step by step, computers using machine learning can learn through trial and error and lots of practice. What does machine learning practice on? Lots and lots of data. The data can be things like images, video, audio, and text. When fed loads of data, machine learning will recognize patterns and make predictions based on these patterns.

AI is not one specific tool. It is a field of study. With AI’s computing power, computers can make decisions and predictions, and take actions.

VEDA’S TAKE: Veda uses machine learning, and therefore, AI for the healthcare industry, every day. For what exactly? To power our provider information. Veda uses machine learning to:

  • Determine correct addresses and phone numbers
  • Transform provider rosters from one format to another
  • Simulate an experience a member may have when booking an appointment

With a patented training data approach, our machine learning can make predictions on a wide variety of new data (that it has never seen before in the training set).

Feeling good about AI and machine learning? Further your AI understanding with these blogs:

Forbes: Why Companies Must Prioritize Back-End Tech Updates—And How To Do It

What do healthcare and the airline industry have in common? As demonstrated by the holiday traveling disaster, outdated back-office administrative systems in desperate need of an upgrade.

Check out the latest Forbes article from Veda’s Chief Science Officer Bob Lindner, PhD, and learn the three questions to ask when updating behind-the-scenes tech systems.

Why Healthcare is Behind in AI and How The Industry Can Catch Up

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have proven their worth in numerous industries—social media platforms that are perfectly curated to your tastes, the ability to shop online for clothes, groceries, and even real estate and cars (not to mention cars that drive themselves). The healthcare industry however, lags behind others. In this post, we’ll discuss why this happened, how automation solutions can help process and surface insights from the masses of data flooding the healthcare system, and what the future will look like for patients and plans alike when healthcare catches up and embraces automation.


There’s an understandable extreme level of caution around embedding automation in healthcare systems and technology; lives are on the line, and if there were ever an industry where it’s critical that humans make major decisions, healthcare is it. That being said, many of the decision-makers in healthcare lack an in-depth understanding of the current capabilities of these kinds of tools, the use cases for them (many of which are administrative rather than clinical), or the mechanisms put in place to ensure humans remain in control of patient care.

 A holistic view of a patient’s health is just out of reach in the absence of tools that make data processing efficient.

A second reason AI hasn’t achieved deep penetration in healthcare is the state of the industry’s technology. It wasn’t too long ago that hospitals housed huge document storage rooms and hired file clerks to sort, alphabetize, and distribute medical documents into physical patient folders. Although electronic health records (EHRs) are now the standard, every hospital has customized its installation, making it difficult for these systems (even those from the same manufacturer) to “talk” to one another. There are many examples of technology not standardized across the industry. The typical national payer, for instance, uses up to 15 technology tools and platforms to meet the needs of its members. But interoperability is an issue—only a few of these systems can communicate with each other.

Further complicating the picture, is the very nature of healthcare data. There is not one standard way of recording and translating data between healthcare institutions or corporations, or even systems within the same corporation. Because of that, it makes it very challenging for an automation algorithm to predict and understand errors in the data (…but not impossible, as we’ll elaborate on below). It’s much easier to leverage automation for Uber, DoorDash, or Amazon, because the data is generated by machines, and therefore inherently controlled and clean. The humans who run healthcare are anything but standard, on the other hand. Each has their own way of understanding and organizing data points (language, phrasing, punctuation, emojis, and shorthand). It takes incredibly sophisticated algorithms to process an Excel spreadsheet created by a person.


Given all these barriers—particularly the “messy data” issue—some question whether it’s even possible to successfully leverage AI and machine learning in healthcare. The answer is a resounding, “Yes.” As tech platforms intended to advance care continue to proliferate, so do the data they generate. The problem in healthcare today isn’t a lack of data; it’s actually the inverse. There’s so much data that neither administrators nor clinicians can successfully process all of it and extract value. A holistic view of a patient’s health is just out of reach in the absence of tools that make data processing efficient.

A smart solution like Veda’s can step in as a “Rosetta stone” to translate this messy data and process it in just hours and with 98% accuracy.

Luckily, in the past few years, automation algorithms have become more sophisticated, with a “next generation” of solutions that are capable of parsing the messy, human-generated data that permeate healthcare now emerging. There are almost endless use cases for putting such sophisticated solutions to use, but one that’s very easy to understand is using AI to make the search for in-network care simpler for patients.

Health plans are constantly receiving updates from providers in their networks, such as where they are located, who has joined or left a practice, and more. Currently, most plans have staff manually inputting these updates from Excel spreadsheets into their unique systems. As a result, updates take up to six weeks to show in the patient-facing portals, and the accuracy of the entries can be as low as 60%, despite payors’ best efforts.

A smart solution like Veda’s can step in as a “Rosetta stone” to translate this messy data and process it in just hours and with 98% accuracy. Veda’s AI understands human-generated data points, in all their diversity, and makes it possible for healthcare organizations to exchange data seamlessly. The provider directory use case is just one of many ways that automation can be used to organize and cleanse data, making it possible to extract insights that previously remained locked.


The pandemic created a huge influx of patient data that overwhelmed healthcare organizations, creating the final push that many needed to finally test the automated solutions they had been wary of for so long. The outcomes of these “tests” conducted out of pure necessity were overwhelmingly positive; patients were receiving the care they needed in a more timely manner, reduced administrative costs and errors, and health plan readiness for compliance with the provision of the No Surprises Act that requires them to make provider directory updates in just 48 hours starting January 1, 2022.

What do we have to look forward to in the future as more and more healthcare organizations adopt automation? We’ll continue to see the $1 trillion annual administrative spend in healthcare go down. We’ll continue to see patients accessing care more easily. And best of all, we’ll see more resources dedicated to what really matters to all stakeholders in the system—patient care.

Veda’s AI understands human-generated data points, in all their diversity, and makes it possible for healthcare organizations to exchange data seamlessly.

Veda’s AI automation solution helps health plans leverage machine learning to process data efficiently and effectively, so you can continuously maintain compliance and improve ROI. Schedule a demo to see what Veda can do for you.

You know your business. We know data.

One Simplified Platform

Veda’s provider data solutions help healthcare organizations reduce manual work, meet compliance requirements, and improve member experience through accurate provider directories. Select your path to accurate data.


Standardize and verify unstructured data with unprecedented speed and accuracy.


The most up-to-date, comprehensive, and accurate data source of healthcare providers, groups, and facilities on the market.


Review and refresh your network directory to identify areas that affect your quality metrics.

Resources & Insights

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New in 2025: CMS Standards for Initial Appointment Wait Times
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Pulse 2.0 Interview With CEO & Co-Founder Meghan Gaffney About The Healthcare Innovation Company
January 6, 2025
Provider Data Solution Veda Automates Over 59 Million Hours of Administrative Healthcare Tasks Since 2019
October 21, 2024
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