Process Automation
Healthcare organizations use Velocity’s feature-rich, web-based application platform to transform even the messiest and most complex provider rosters for easy ingestion into downstream systems.
automated per month
guaranteed data accuracy
guaranteed turnaround time
Velocity automates roster intake by recognizing roster file data and standardizing it for your preferred format. Our platform handles unique data ingestion needs in ways others can’t.
Data Ingestion & Standardization
Velocity automates roster intake by recognizing roster file data and standardizing it for your preferred format. Our platform handles unique data ingestion needs in ways others can’t.
Turn a single row with multiple practice addresses for one provider into multiple rows
Cleanly format even the hardest-to-tackle rosters with multiple tables on the same sheet
Detect multiple tab spreadsheets, such as facility and provider sheets, and arrange them into a single sheet
Free text like specialities and language become a defined list
Standardize data items to any preferred format, including difficult and ambiguous fields like office hours and age range
Validation & Enhancement
Validate & Enhance Data Accuracy
Using our proprietary dataset, missing data is added and inaccurate information is corrected during an automated process that improves accuracy. Our platform is unique in its ability to fix key data elements at the point of ingestion.
Confirm the correct provider during processing and flag if not
Update addresses to ensure there are no duplicates, and proper suite numbers listed and more.
Update information from key, first-party data sources for language, taxonomy, and more
Data Comparison
Compare New Info Against Existing Data
Apply roster updates to your downstream systems and directory to highlight areas of data improvement
Updates include adds, terminations, and changes
Configure Outputs for Your Business
The Velocity platform can be configured for your specific business needs for seamless ingestion in your downstream systems.
Processes most rosters in less than an hour
Processes multiple rosters at the same time
Automates files and rosters bidirectional sharing via SFTP or cloud transmission
Accommodates high-volume days and submission periods
From months of backlog to same day automated data processing, Veda’s Velocity product transformed the provider roster intake process with fast processing and high accuracy. Same day processing has been maintained since Velocity was implemented and real time accuracy continues to reach 90% or higher.
real time accuracy
Veda’s industry-leading speed and accuracy can evolve your complex, manual workflows into simple, automated processes. Ready to get started?
We’ll provide you with free Velocity access. Upload rosters and experience what Velocity can do.
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