Provider Data Workflow Automation

Automate and enhance the entire provider data lifecycle to improve system-wide operations and interoperability and enhance the member experience.

Medicaid, Medicare & ACA Compliance

Reduce provider data processing time by 98% and improve data accuracy to 90% or above to stay ahead of evolving provider directory time and accuracy regulations.

Build an Accurate Directory

Connect patients to accurate information displayed in external facing directories to make appointments with the right provider and improve patient experience.

Provider Recruitment

Increase competitiveness and meet adequacy requirements with easy-to-use provider query tools based on key provider needs, such as specialty type and location.

Provider Enrollment and Credentialing

Speed up provider onboarding with prepopulated credentials, spotlighting inaccurate data to ensure enrollment is completed correctly the first time.

Referral Management and PRM

Capture lost revenue from referral leakage with accurate, comprehensive provider data and contact information.

Correct or Augment Provider Data for Analytics

Provider performance—cost, quality, and outcomes—are core to value or risk-based arrangements and population health efforts, and flawed provider location information can undermine complex risk arrangements.